Thinking Around the Corners A biweekly magazine deidcated to the exploration of creativity and the creative process
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Flame On!

If you have read my bio, you might get the impression that I work 24 hours a day. That is
pretty much the case, or at least how it feels. A creative can only keep up that pace for so
long before the inevitable CBW hits. CBW? Creative Brick Wall. That's what happens
when the right brain goes into cardiac arrest. Burn-out, the "blahs", whatever you call it,
we all get it at some point or another.

I'm fighting it right now. I HATE the CBW. I hate feeling that the idea spigot is turned off. I hate feeling un-motivated to work on the stuff I love.

So here's my game plan. First I took last night off. Watched TV. Only turned on the computer and checked e-mail to only make sure that no project emergencies had happened. Then I picked up a new e-book to read: The History of the Declaration of Independence. It's non-fiction, which is what I want. By accessing the left side of the brain more, it allows my right side to 1. take a breather and 2. break free and wander aimlessly. Then I'm invoking the Human Torch's old battle cry "Flame On!". This step is essential in getting over the hump. Forcing myself to say "There is no CBW and I'm a creative machine!" is the proverbial cannonball into the deep end of the swimming pool of art. Just like the way they teach recruits to swim in the Navy.

You know, after writing this, I feel better already.

Scribe's Corner


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